Human Praise

Human Praise*
If every human voice should die,
and human song in silence lie,
creation still would rise up strong
from dawn to dusk, and dusk to dawn
to praise our God.
Might every earthly voice be raised
to lift our songs of highest praise,
And chords ring out from oceans deep
to chime with heaven’s pulsing beats
of worship round God’s mercy seat.
*These lines sound vaguely familiar. If they were influenced by another’s poem, I am not aware of it and will humbly and gladly credit any unrecognized influence.
Joyce Meade
January 28, 2019Love it Ginny. Did you also paint the painting on this page? thanks for sending the links…..I have not been on your sight for awhile and am enjoying it. Expect a newsletter from me soon – I was invited to staff the Discipleship training School here in DC and will go with them to Israel for 7 weeks in April and May. Loving it. Hugs…Joyce
Ginny Emery
January 29, 2019Thank your, Joyce. It’s one of the poems from my new book. Sorry that I didn’t see your comment until today. No the painting is not mine. Wish it was.