Essays in Ephesians #19

Essays in Ephesians #19

. . . what was unknown to the sons of men in other generations has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. Ephesians 3:5-6 The […]

Essays in Ephesians #17

Essays in Ephesians #17

Can you identify with imprisonment—for any reason? If not in jail, have you ever felt caged in by illness or depression, a limiting job or a controlling system? Do you know…

A Poem from Pursuit 2: Creation

A Poem from <em>Pursuit</em> 2: Creation

Creation*  One uttered Word— and the nothing— emptier than any vacuum, darker than all empty nights— burst into blinding, melting, hot, explosive, light— From Love’s unerring faith— beginnings came. Songs sang. Inside God’s pulsing heart, through eons of slow change, Love’s steady flame burned on, His plans securely framed. Under that first spoken Word now […]

Essays in Ephesians #16

Essays in Ephesians #16

. . . in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2: 21-22 Israel had known God’s glory— through centuries of sporadic yet repeated divine-human interaction through their kings […]

Essays in Ephesians #8

Essays in Ephesians #8

What does it mean to you and me that our Father in Heaven gave absolute dominion to His Son and then His Son —and then gives Jesus’ life and power to us?

Essays in Ephesians #7

Essays in Ephesians #7

What is the greatness of His power? And what is the greatness of His power toward us who believe? I wish I knew; it eludes me. It’s the power of a love so vast and incomprehensible I can’t imagine it. It’s the power that created this universe and all that’s in it. It’s a power that is greater than any other authority, power, dominion, office or person . . .

Essays in Ephesians #4

Essays in Ephesians #4

Life on earth is tragic. Yet God’s plan, set forth in Christ, continues to unfold through times when we feel deaf, gagged, horrified by violence and blinded by grief and the throbbing distractions of injustice . . .

Essays in Ephesians #3

Essays in Ephesians #3

Thank you, Father that when we look upon the mystery of the cross, we can be confident in Your love. You always know exactly what’s going on. You have wise solutions; You see eternal outcomes. When crosses come our way, when situations look dark, we don’t have to know it all.