Your Today

Your Today

Take time to thank and praise the Lord today. Do it until you feel HIS Holy Spirit welling up inside. Do it through tears if you must, in pain if it’s there, through your busy thoughts, until they are stilled and through your work until you know His work from your own. Take time TODAY […]

Essays in Ephesians #5

Essays in Ephesians #5

Paul’s deeply felt gratitude for the faith and love of believers bubbles over. When the Holy Spirit brings life to his words, I bubble up with thanksgiving too. You can read my praise and prayer below and join your gratitude to mine, but better than that, why not reflect on Paul’s words in Ephesian and take a moment or two to thank the Lord for His faith and love in you and yours. 

Reasons to Praise

Reasons to Praise

Today I longed to praise God our loud. When no words came, I began to list personal answers to prayer like, “I will praise You because of ____ and____ and ___. ” Once started, my list grew. It is still growing, but here, without order or plan, are some of my own reasons to praise a “God from Whom all blessings flow.”

Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, I will praise You because

You give words, language and books. You must like talking, reading and writing. So do I.

You give music and tell us to make music and sing.

The Fourth Sunday in Advent 2016

The Fourth Sunday in Advent 2016

Today the sun shone brightly on the snow. Our Advent candles were dimmed by the brilliant light warming our windows, but the…