The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch

In 1982 someone asked me to summarize the Pentateuch. I wrote this poem—a quick romp through Genesis and Exodus—and forgot it. Recently a couple copies surfaced in old files. I had fun revising it and know a few readers will like it. It’s a niche piece, not for everyone. Unless you know Genesis and Exodus, […]

Who is Jesus and Why was He Crucified?

Who is Jesus and Why was He Crucified?

Who is Jesus and Why was He Crucified? His mind was unquestionably brilliant. He confounded every scholar who questioned Him. His emotions were pure, untarnished by rebellion, pride, jealousy or greed. All of His actions were completely motivated by compassionate love and truth. Not one trace of selfish desire for personal fulfillment marred His concern […]

Places 20: That Day

<em>Places</em> 20: That Day

Was nature still? Or did winds stir? Did leaves whisper or branches rub to sigh? Were there grasses high enough to bend and sway, to worship their Creator upon that Holy Day? What sounds surrounded Him? Did footsteps on the road near-by slow down to plod, trod and tread in quiet fear and dread? Could […]

Essays in Ephesians #4

Essays in Ephesians #4

Life on earth is tragic. Yet God’s plan, set forth in Christ, continues to unfold through times when we feel deaf, gagged, horrified by violence and blinded by grief and the throbbing distractions of injustice . . .

The Carpenter & Our Choice—two poems on the cross

Posted in POEMS
The Carpenter & Our Choice—two poems on the cross

The Carpenter / bloodied / to be set apart from ordinary use, the Carpenter hallowed / His final wood and nail / with use enough to outlast time.