A Poem from Pursuit 2: Creation

A Poem from <em>Pursuit</em> 2: Creation


One uttered Word—
and the nothing—
emptier than any vacuum,
darker than all empty nights—
burst into blinding, melting,

From Love’s unerring faith—
beginnings came.
Songs sang.

Inside God’s pulsing heart,
through eons of slow change,
Love’s steady flame
burned on, His plans
securely framed.

Under that first spoken Word
now writ across the skies,
recorded upon all the earth
in every cell and atom,
in every death and birth,
men and women came.

Asking, who? And what? And how?
And when? And then—again, Why?  Why?—
These ancient men and women lived—
vast cultures and their stories—
that briefly lived to died.

Like children, we keep asking
Who and how and when and why?
What is meaning?
What is seeming?
Why be born since we must die?
Answer, answer, answer.
Answer all our Whys!
What is truth and what is lie?

One day Creative Love replied.
No big-bang now,
nor fragile dream
of myths invented from what seemed.

In tenderness forever planned
before our human calls began,
before our cries to understand,
Love chose a girl
who could believe,
Love trusted love
that could receive,
Love gave birth to love
inside a man,
Who lived for us the Word He spoke
the moment time began.

Father, Spirit, Son
turn us now from empty nothings,
change our nothing with Your light—
melting, hotly bright
world-changing love
life changing light.

 (Oh! Holy Spirit, come!)

Come, uttered Word,
begin to sing
into my weak and empty soul
from nothing, make a place
create new space in me—
to shelter life’s eternity—
in Love alone
I’m home and whole.

© Ginny Emery 2022

*This began as revision of an earlier poem, Chaos to Creation, published in Pursuit, 2011,
but it morphed into an entirely new poem.

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