Places 38: Safety
I’m often bound by pride.
The heavy weight of self-will
asserts it’s right to guide.
Entitled, I alone decide
to backslide
from the innocence of trust.
Lord, help my self,
my very self to die—
I’d not defy Your love.
I would abide in Jesus,
be sweetly fragrant on His vine;
I’d let His Spirit, prune my branch,
or crush my bounty into wine.
Help me look into Your eyes,
help me not be terrified,
help me find your humbling way,
through all dismaying headlines
on media news today.
Greed and glut, now undenied,
rapacious flesh, dissatisfied,
and evil plans,
made plain before wise eyes,
are endorsed by popular vote.
Hatred seeks its scapegoats;
discipline is scorned by lawless men.
Such signs suggest a coming end.
Stretch the wedding bands
bonding earth to sky;
don’t strain Your strong foundations
past our understanding.
Help us watch the pangs
upon the lands—
birth wrings —
increasing groans—
disasters twisting rocks and seas,
shaking stars and men and trees,
as fields dry til no seeds grow,
floods surge, submerging lands,
usurp familiar footings
til we no longer know
what untried space is firm,
what covers undertows.
Passions rage to volcanoes—
bombs burst, words curse,
and tender little children hurt.
Above all this
the starry heavens move,
the seasons change,
steadfast in our Maker’s praise,
singing of His worth,
and magnifying His pure ways.
Over besmirched lands
the sun stills shines.
Across the nations, grapes
still ripen on the vine,
and angels hear God say,
“Pick him today—help her, prune them.
They’re Mine.”
Touch the warmth of Jesus breast.
Hear His heartbeats, feel His love.
Questions of life and death dissolve
in perfectly ordered beauty,
perfectly simple rest.
September 6, 2021I’ve been seeing this too but could not have said it so eloquently.
Ginny Emery
September 6, 2021Thank you, Lila. I wondered if anyone at all would like this one. I’m glad it found a reader.
The softer and the harder parts of the poem feel out of joint.
The strong contrasts between God’s loving ways and world tensions are hard to sort out. The tension between the tender lowliness of Jesus and the constant mercy of God in contrast with the savage brutality of men and elements and the inevitable consequences that follow the Holy Spirit’s seeming (or actual) withdrawal from situations is impossible to understand with my natural mind. Only when the Holy Spirit honors me with glimpses of God’s holiness can it make sense.
Sandy DeRossett
September 28, 2021Thank you Ginny.We see this happening before our eyes.
However,God’s presence keeps me from being controlled by fear.
Ginny Emery
September 28, 2021Yes. How we all need Him.