Essays in Ephesians #20, Part 1

Essays in Ephesians #20, Part 1

Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given me by the working of his power. To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, Ephesians 3: 7 – […]



My weather app says the sun is shining. Surely it is—somewhere—but around me it’s thickening fog. Dense clouds are dripping down a heavy wash of gray.  The woods to the north are barely visible. Such impenetrable fogs trigger memories for me—always the same three.

Dense fog triggers memories for me—always the same three. The first, from 1962, is a comfortable one, full of family love, adventure and teamwork.



Last Thursday I counted my teapots. I have fourteen of them. I don’t collect them; they come to me. The occasion for counting up was a new addition to the inventory . . .It was one of the noisiest look-at-me teapots I’ve ever seen in my life. It called out, “Embrace my imperfections.”

A Dream

A Dream

I liked to watch Maggie, the golden sunlight glinting off her hair, her skin glowing like the day, and her tiny features all abloom with the innocence of childhood.  This particular day, she sat in her sandbox sifting sand, her chubby legs soaking up warmth from the sand below and sun above. Her baby-plump fingers […]