Places 06: Friends

<em>Places</em> 06: Friends

Writing can be a break from pressures—like reading a good book or watching a light movie. Revising this autobiographical poem about my first date in 1952 was a pleasant faith-building diversion from pressures and stress. I hope you can travel back in time and relate to bits of it with me.  The line lengths support reading aloud. The meaning?  Honestly, I’m not sure—



Last Thursday I counted my teapots. I have fourteen of them. I don’t collect them; they come to me. The occasion for counting up was a new addition to the inventory . . .It was one of the noisiest look-at-me teapots I’ve ever seen in my life. It called out, “Embrace my imperfections.”

Essays in Ephesians #7

Essays in Ephesians #7

What is the greatness of His power? And what is the greatness of His power toward us who believe? I wish I knew; it eludes me. It’s the power of a love so vast and incomprehensible I can’t imagine it. It’s the power that created this universe and all that’s in it. It’s a power that is greater than any other authority, power, dominion, office or person . . .

Essays in Ephesians #4

Essays in Ephesians #4

Life on earth is tragic. Yet God’s plan, set forth in Christ, continues to unfold through times when we feel deaf, gagged, horrified by violence and blinded by grief and the throbbing distractions of injustice . . .

Essays in Ephesians #3

Essays in Ephesians #3

Thank you, Father that when we look upon the mystery of the cross, we can be confident in Your love. You always know exactly what’s going on. You have wise solutions; You see eternal outcomes. When crosses come our way, when situations look dark, we don’t have to know it all.